The Atlas in an inventory of architectural the heritage of Casablanca. The inventory is structured from a cartography of the districts whose perimeters were defined by the historical-morphological analysis of the urban fabric. These urban spaces and public spaces are intimately linked to the architectural forms that are found there; they define the stratigraphy of successive urban thoughts that have allowed the city to be subdivided.
Within these divisions we find the inventoried buildings. They have been selected for their architectural style and their heritage value: unique buildings, in architectural, formal and temporal terms, and buildings that are typical of a construction or decoration technique, a period or a trend.
The atlas therefore presents two main objects: the district and the architectural object, and a main reading key that are the architectural writings. The heritage will be presented district by district. The neighborhoods will be described (distinctive character, history, morphology) and the description of the inventoried buildings will be added to this description. The heritage value of the selected buildings can be briefly commented in the legend. The objective is not to present all the buildings of a district, but to give a stimulating overview of each district in their morphological and architectural singularity.
The study has defined a total of 59 districts.